Mahadev Bhuteshwar Dedicated to Lord Shiva, also called Bhuteshwar Mahadev, Mandir is a prominent Hindu temple located near Garravkendra, Mathura. The Shaktipeeth is also where Mata Sati’s ringlet landed after her body was demolished. Being one of the few temples in the city not devoted to Lord Krishna, the shrine is regarded as fortunate and special.
King Kansa’s deity, Patal Devi Cave, is located in the Bhuteshwar Mahadev Temple, which is regarded as one of the oldest temples. Especially on Mondays and during Shivratri, the temple receives a massive influx of devotees throughout the auspicious month of Sawaan.
Mathurans think that Bhuteshwar Mahadev keeps evil out of the city. The town and its inhabitants are said to be protected from evil forces by the holy temple of Bhuteshwar, hence the name.
#Fun fact: In honour of the establishment of this stunning location, the city’s oldest temple was constructed.
Mythology states that Shatrughan’s victory against the demon Madhu created Mathura. After the demon was killed, Sri Ram’s younger brother Shatrughan established Mathura. Having existed for thousands of years, Mathura’s Bhuteshwar Temple adds a stunning aspect to the cityscape.
There is no entry fee to the Bhuteshwar Mahadev Temple. It is open from 5 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. every day.
Although the temple is open year-round, October through March are the best times to visit.
Milk, Dahi (curd), Shahad (honey), Jal (water), and other offerings are devotedly and affectionately offered to God by devotees. The ambiance and vibrations of this shrine, surrounded by monkeys and birds, are its most exquisite feature, though.
The beautiful surroundings promote relaxation and tranquilly. At the temple, a number of Sadhus are also engaged in prayer and meditation.