Trimbakeshwar Temple, also known as Tera Manzil Temple, is a thirteen-story temple on the banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh. It is directly across from the Lakshman Jhula and houses multiple deities under one roof. Known for its eye-catching architecture, the temple also provides a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape from its thirteenth floor.
On the banks of the Ganga, across from the Lakshman Jhoola, lies the must-see 13-story Shiva temple. With the temple of Lord Shiva at its summit, it is shaped like a pyramid and has temples to numerous Hindu gods and goddesses. Because of the way the temple is laid out, you wind up walking around the most of these on your way up—many blessings for the effort! Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of your visit to one of India’s greatest temples in one of its holiest cities.
According to locals, Adi Shankaracharya established the temple probably in the eighth or ninth century AD.
The temple of Shiva, of course. However, what will truly leave a lasting impression are the breathtaking vistas of Rishikesh and the Ganga. Observe white-water rafters floating along the river during the day. As the chilly mountain breeze snatches at your face, observe the Laksham Jhoola come to life at twilight.
The 13 storeys are filled with dozens of miniature temples that are used as quarters for local priests. For a charge, each chamber provides a specific spiritual or religious service, ranging from moksha to prosperity and health. You can bypass all of these, walk directly to the summit, and ask Lord Shiva for what you want.
The fact that Trayambakeshwar Temple is the largest in Rishikesh adds to its significance. The temple’s thirteen-story height is its primary draw. It is well-known for both the scriptures and the exquisite idols of Hindu gods and goddesses.
One can worship all the gods in one location at the Trayambakeshwar temple. Numerous idols of Hindu gods and goddesses can be found at the temple. in contrast to other temples that honour a single deity. It is situated along the Ganga River at a site of religious significance close to Laksham Jhula. Many devotees travel to this temple in order to see the hanging bridge, Laxman Jhula.
After traversing the Laxman Jhula, one can get at the temple. Laxman Jhula is accessible by foot. Taking an autorickshaw is an additional means of transportation to the temple.
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