In Tulsi Nagar, the Kanak Bhawan is located near the northeastern corner of the Ram Janmabhoomi. Sone-ka-Ghar is another name for this temple, which was built in 1891. The Hindu god Lord Rama and his spouse, Goddess Sita, are honoured at this sacred location.
Kanak Bhawan, which translates to “Golden Palace,” refers to the sanctum santorum (Garbagriha), which houses three golden-crowned idols of the two gods beneath a silver ceiling. This shrine is thought to have been given to Rama and Sita by Kaikeyi, the former’s stepmother.
Following Vikramaditya’s planned refurbishment, Vrish Bhanu Kunwari completely redesigned the current location. The Sri Vrishbhan Dharma Setu Trust Private Limited is currently in charge of running this temple in the Bundela tradition.
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This shrine is the most exquisite building in Ayodhya and a magnificent example of Bundelkhand architecture. Three pairs of gold-crowned idols of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita are housed in the temple’s sanctum sanctorum, which also features arched doors on three sides of the central hall. The pair that Rani Vrish Bhanu Kunwari erected is the biggest. The third pair is the smallest and is generally thought to have been gifted by Lord Krishna to a female recluse who was meditating on Lord Ram at this location. The pair to its right is medium in height and is claimed to have been established by King Vikramaditya. All these idols are beautifully decorated with heavy gold ornaments, which is why the temple is called Kanak Bhawan, meaning a house made of gold.
Timings : 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Aarti Timings
Summers – 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Winters – 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM and 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM